Friday, February 19, 2016

What cause Genocide?

These genocides don't happen for no reason of course there's a reason. Maybe that reason could be because people see the worst things about others people's religious. They talk to others about how some people think a different way and they think they should think their way. Others don't see how others see it. They want to spread each other or doing something to them.  They'll harm them how ever they could. It's like what they did to the Jews in Vietnam war, they order them to do thing and they killed them because they weren't what the other people were. Adam Hitler brain washed people. They might not do that but I know for sure they'll harm us or others. We could end it everyone has to be different if we were all the same it'll be boring and people have there way of thinking. My friends don't believe in God and I do. I'm fine with it I don't mind it but I would argue about some stuff and that's good because then we know how others think. So really it's not bad to have a different religion or how others think. That shouldn't make us hurt others we should see a better view. 

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